Some of you might have noticed that this blog of mine had been locked for the past few weeks. Thanks to all of you who have sent me comments and emails to check if I’m alright. The truth is, I put my blog on hold to stop and think about the fate of this blog.
Since a few months back, my work has been zapping my energy throughout each working week. The current projects are underway, but my boss keeps having new ideas. So the workload piles up, but the manpower remains the same, and I end up working for 10 hours on some days. As a result, I hardly have time to even visit some of my favourite blogs, not to bake mention bake during the weekdays. When the weekends come around, all I want to do is to catch up on some rest. Even when I do bake, I have absolutely no mood to fuss around with what ‘setting', ‘backgound’, ‘lighting’, ‘utensils’ etc etc to use to take pictures. All I want to do is to cut and eat whatever came out of the oven.
What has happened? To be honest, I guess I have lost my enthusiasm for blogging. I don’t know about others, but taking and then editing pictures, followed by research on the post, and finally till the actual write-up, takes up a substantial amount of my time, something which I don’t have a lot of nowadays. I am rather particular about my pictures, but my photographs still turn out lousy each time. Even after two years, I still suck at them. That’s another disappointment for me.
After writing so much, it's time for the conclusion - I am putting this blog on hiatus indefinitely. I don’t think I will return to blogging anytime soon. But there’s no saying that I won’t, maybe when the blogging ‘bug’ bites again, you’ll see me around again. Before I say goodbye, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you – my readers, who has been visiting this blog for the past two years. I truly appreciate your constant encouragement and support. I will leave the blog open, in case anyone is interested in any of the recipes I have posted. Once again, thank you and take care!
Pistachio Mousse Cake 开心果慕斯蛋糕
1 month ago